Update: Reopening of St Marys Indoor Pool
- Written by: Kate Bradshaw Ripples NSW (02) 9833 3000 (02) 9833 3311 [email protected] https://www.ripplesnsw.com.au Charles Hackett Drive St Marys NSW 2760 Australia

We are excited to confirm the St Marys indoor pool will reopen Friday 7 June 2024!
All repair work has now been completed and we are looking forward to welcoming our members and guests back to the indoor pool.
To prepare for the reopening, our St Marys sauna, spa and outdoor pool will be closed tomorrow, Thursday 6 June to facilitate an end of construction clean around the pool deck and surrounding amenities. The outdoor pool will remain closed for the remainer of the winter season.
While we were repairing the water maintenance systems, we were able to expedite some projects we had planned for the next 12 months and complete them while the indoor pool was closed. These projects will provide shorter downtimes for pool contaminations and improve future maintenance timeframes.
Repairing the water maintenance systems was a massive project and we greatly appreciate the understanding of our members and visitors during this time.
Members who opted to place their membership on hold during the closure period can reactivate their membership via the Online Member Portal.
Squad swimmers and Learn to Swim students will be contacted via email with more information in the coming days as these programs return to their normal spaces.
Aqua Aerobics will return to the indoor pool from Friday 7 June. Healthy ME and Diabetes classes will return to their regular timetable as from Tuesday 11 June.
Normal modified hours for the Kings Birthday Public Holiday will be in effect and from Tuesday 11 June all venues will return to their normal winter operating hours.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at
Information contained within this page was correct as at 5 June 2024
Have a question? The best way to contact us is by emailing